Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Interlude for Sacred PMS Venting

Things that have annoyed the crap out of me this week:

1. small children
2. The Dresden Dolls
3. small children
4. small children

Saturday, August 05, 2006

On Capitalism

Is the Great Myth of the Mobile Classes a source of more Harm and Disappointment than Good? The serf, at least, can accept his lot in life early, and grow fond of, or at least accustomed to, bean stew and Taxation.

On Democracy

Do the masses of the People, by their collective vote, raise things to the Highest Ideal or sink them to the Lowest Common Denominator? I often fear the latter. Yet I would not take their stupid vote away.

One cannot serve two masters. One cannot serve NASCAR and Democracy.

Friday, August 04, 2006

On Anxiety

Bite your nails with relish! Enjoy your Anguish, and yea, it Shall dissolve.

On the Evil Coworker

You learn more from your enemies than from your friends.

On reading the Bible

It may or may not be THE Good Book, but it is A good book.

Whosoever would conquer the Evangelicals, Must do so with their own Book.

On Cooking

Never trust a skinny chef.

He who cooks well, has many friends.